Peretz, I., Gosselin, N., Nan, Y., Caron-Caplette, E., Trehub, S. & Béland, R. (2013) A novel tool for evaluating children’s musical abilities across age and culture. Front. Syst. Neurosci. , vol. 7

Peretz, I. et al, 2013

Musical Notations


Phillips-Silver, J., Toiviainen, P., Gosselin, N. & Peretz, I. (2013) Amusic does not mean unmusical: Beat perception and synchronization ability despite pitch deafness. Cognitive Neuropsychology , vol. 30, pp. 311-331

Phillips-Silver, J. et al, 2013

Nozaradan, S., Zerouali, Y., Peretz, I. & Mouraux, A. (2013) Capturing with EEG the Neural Entrainment and Coupling Underlying Sensorimotor Synchronization to the Beat. Cerebral Cortex

Nozaradan, S. et al, 2013

Lefebvre, C., Vachon, F., Grimault, S., Thibault, J., Guimond, S., Peretz, I., Zatorre, RJ. & Jolicœur, P. (2013) Distinct electrophysiological indices of maintenance in auditory and visual short-term memory. Neuropsychologia , vol. 51, pp. 2939-2952

Lefebvre, C. et al, 2013

Merrett, DL., Peretz, I. & Wilson, SJ. (2013) Moderating variables of music training-induced neuroplasticity: a review and discussion. Frontiers in Psychology , vol. 4

Merrett, DL., Peretz, I. & Wilson, SJ., 2013

Moreau, P., Jolicoeur, P. & Peretz, I. (2013) Pitch discrimination without awareness in congenital amusia: Evidence from event-related potentials. Brain and Cognition , vol. 81, pp. 337-344

Moreau, P., Jolicoeur, P. & Peretz, I., 2013

Corbeil, M., Trehub, SE. & Peretz, I. (2013) Speech vs.singing:infants choose happier sounds. Frontiers in Psychology , vol. 4

Corbeil, M., Trehub, SE. & Peretz, I., 2013

Moreau, P., Jolicoeur, P., Lidji, P. & Peretz, I. (2013) Successful measurement of the mismatch negativity despite a concurrent movie soundtrack: reduced amplitude but normal component morphology. Clinical Neurophysiology , vol. 124, pp. 2378-2388

Moreau, P. et al, 2013

Peretz, I. (2013) The Biological foundations of music: Insights from congenital amusia. The Psychology of Music , pp. 551-564. Edited by D. Deutsch. Elsevier.

Peretz, I.,  2013

Aubé, W., Peretz, I. & Armony, J. (2013) The effects of emotion on memory for music and vocalisations. Memory . DOI:10.1080/09658211.2013.

Aubé, W., Peretz, I. & Armony, J., 2013

Paquette, S., Peretz, I. & Belin, P. (2013) The “Musical Emotional Bursts”: a validated set of musical affect bursts to investigate auditory affective processing. Frontiers in Psychology , vol. 4

Paquette, S., Peretz, I. & Belin, P., 2013

Data Sheet

Auditory Stimuli

Hutchins, S. & Peretz, I. (2013) Vocal pitch shift in congenital amusia (pitch deafness). Brain and Language , vol. 125, pp. 106-117

Hutchins, S. & Peretz, I., 2013