Zendel, BR., Lagrois, M-É., Robitaille, N. & Peretz, I. (2015) Attending to Pitch Information Inhibits Processing of Pitch Information: The Curious Case of Amusia. The Journal of Neuroscience , pp. 3815-3824

Zendel, BR. et al. 2015

Phillips-Silver, J., Toiviainen, P., Gosselin, N., Turgeon, C., Lepore, F. & Peretz, I. (2015) Cochlear implant users move in time to the beat of drum music. Hearing Research , vol. 321, pp. 25 – 34

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Cousineau, M., Oxenham, AJ. & Peretz, I. (2015) Congenital amusia: a cognitive disorder limited to resolved harmonics and with no peripheral basis. Neuropsychologia , vol. 66, pp. 293-301

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Gingras, B., Honing, H., Peretz, I., Trainor, LJ. & Fisher, SE. (2015) Defining the biological bases of individual differences in musicality. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B , vol. 370

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Weisgerber, A., Vermeulen, N., Peretz, I., Samson, S., Philippot, P., Maurage, P., De Graeuwe D’Aoust, C., De Jaegere, A., Delatte, B., Gillain, B., De Longueville, X. & Constant, E. (2015) Facial, vocal and musical emotion recognition is altered in paranoid schizophrenic patients. Psychiatry research 229 (1-2), 188-193

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Aubé, W., Angulo-Perkins, A., Peretz, I., Concha, L. & Armony, JL. (2015) Fear across the senses: brain responses to music, vocalizations and facial expressions. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience , vol. 10, pp. 399-407

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Lehmann, A., Skoe, E., Moreau, P., Peretz, I. & Kraus, N. (2015) Impairments in musical abilities reflected in the auditory brainstem: evidence from congenital amusia. European Journal of Neuroscience , vol. 42, pp. 1644-1650

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Vuvan, DT., Nunes-Silva, M. & Peretz, I. (2015) Meta-analytic evidence for the non-modularity of pitch processing in congenital amusia. Cortex , vol. 69, pp. 186 – 200

Vuvan, DT., Nunes-Silva, M. & Peretz, I., 2015

Peretz, I., Vuvan, DT., Lagrois, M-E. & Armony, J. (2015) Neural overlap in processing music and speech. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B , vol. 370

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Cousineau, M., Bidelman, GM., Peretz, I. & Lehmann, A (2015) On the Relevance of Natural Stimuli for the Study of Brainstem Correlates: The Example of Consonance Perception. PloS one 10 (12), e0145439

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Gosselin, N., Paquette, S. & Peretz, I. (2015) Sensitivity to musical emotions in congenital amusia. Cortex , vol. 71, pp. 171- 182

Gosselin, N., Paquette, S. & Peretz, I., 2015

Zendel, BR., Tremblay, C-D., Belleville, S. & Peretz, I. (2015) The Impact of Musicianship on the Cortical Mechanisms Related to Separating Speech from Background Noise. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience , vol. 27: 5, pp. 1044-1059

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Seesjärvi, E., Särkämö, T., Vuoksimaa, E., Tervaniemi, M., Peretz, I. & Kaprio, J. (2015) The Nature and Nurture of Melody: A Twin Study of Musical Pitch and Rhythm Perception. Behavior Genetics, 46(4), 506-515.

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Armony, JL., Aubé, W., Angulo-Perkins, A., Peretz, I. & Concha, L. (2015) The specificity of neural responses to music and their relation to voice processing: An fMRI-adaptation study. Neuroscience Letters , vol. 593, pp. 35-39

Armony, JL. et al. 2015

Honing, H., Cate, C., Peretz, I. & Trehub, SE. (2015) Without it no music: Cognition, Biology, and evolution of musicality. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B , vol. 370

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