Here are some tools to consider when assessing musical training and background for participants:
by Dr. Michael Gordon, Professor of Psychology, William Paterson University,
Musical Sophistication Scale – Gold MSI(listed first given its widespread adoption)
Müllensiefen, D., Gingras, B., Musil, J., & Stewart, L. (2014). The musicality of non-musicians: An index for assessing musical sophistication in the general population.PLOS ONE, 9, e89642.
Assessing Music Expertise: The Berlin Gehörbildung Scale
Lin, Z., Werner, A., Lindenberger, U., Brandmaier, A. M., & Wenger, E. (2021). Assessing music expertise: The Berlin Gehörbildung Scale.Music Perception, 38(4), 406–421.
The Edinburgh Lifetime Musical Experience Questionnaire
Okely, J. A., Deary, I. J., & Overy, K. (2021). The Edinburgh Lifetime Musical Experience Questionnaire (ELMEQ): Responses and non-musical correlates in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936.PLOS ONE, 16(7), e0254176.
Montreal Battery for Evaluation of Musical Abilities (MBEMA)
Peretz, I., Gosselin, N., Nan, Y., Caron-Caplette, E., Trehub, S. E., & Béland, R. (2013). A novel tool for evaluating children’s musical abilities across age and culture.Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 7, 30.