Hyde, K. & Peretz, I. (2004) Brains that are out of tune but in time. Psychological Science , vol. 15(5), pp. 356-360

Hyde, K. & Peretz, I., 2004

Foxton, J.M., Dean, J.L., Gee, R., Peretz, I. & Griffiths, T.D. (2004) Characterization of deficits in pitch perception underlying ‘tone deafness’. Brain , vol. 127(4), pp. 801-810

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Peretz, I. (2004) Le cerveau musical. Actes sud / Cité de la musique , vol. 2, pp. 293-317. In Musiques, Une Encyclopédie pour le XXIe Siècle, Les savoirs musicaux, sous la direction de Jean-Jacques Nattiez

Peretz, I., 2004

Peretz, I., Gagnon, L., Hébert, S. & Macoir, J. (2004) Singing in the brain: Insights from cognitive neuropsychology. Music Perception , vol. 21(3), pp. 373-390

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Peretz, I., Radeau, M. & Arguin, M. (2004) Two-way interactions between music and language: Evidence from priming recognition of tune and lyrics in familiar songs. Memory & Cognition

Peretz, I., Radeau, M. & Arguin, M., 2004

Written Notations of the Sung Melodies and of the Spoken Lyrics